


Cy-Hope – the name says it all. A non-profit dedicated to bringing hope to kids who are economically, relationally, or spiritually disadvantaged in Cy-Fair. Our vision is to rally our entire community: businesses, education, churches, civic organizations, hospitals, and individual volunteers to make life better for children in Cy-Fair.

Every child deserves hope for a successful future and an opportunity to attain that life. With Cy-Hope, we want to make that happen by making a lasting impact on the community of Cy-Fair through mentoring, tutoring, feeding, coaching, supporting, and encouraging those children who struggle daily to have their needs met.

At The Backyard Grill we are committed to the mission, vision and purpose of Cy-Hope. Throughout the year we provide our guests an opportunity to donate to CY-Hope through our Help Us Help the Kids program. Children participate in craft projects such as pumpkin carving, watermelon decorating and Easter egg decorating. The BYG staff selects the top ten projects and displays them in the dining room. Guests are then asked to vote on their favorite one with loose change or dollar bills at the hostess stand. The entry with the most money wins FREE Kids Meals for a year and all the money is given to Cy-Hope. Thanks to all our guests who made this possible!

The Backyard Grill also hosts the BYG BASH GOLF TOURNAMENT. 2019 was our 18th year to host the golf tourney and it was our 8th year to sponsor Cy Hope. Thanks to all of the golfers, sponsors and volunteers who enabled The Backyard Grill to donate $91,000 to Cy-Hope from our golf tournament

Please join us in this endeavor by volunteering, donating, or just passing on the word of Cy-Hope.